Fuck this hurts, I won't lie
Doesn't matter how hard I try
Half the words don't mean a thing
And I know that I wont be satisfied
I've opened up these scars
I'll make you face this
I bleed it out digging deeper
Just to throw it away
Extracts from Bleed It Out: Linkin Park
I told my flatmates about what happened last weekend. S looked scared and then just looked at me with pity in his eyes. I know it was more because he didn't know what to say. N on the other hand wanted to try and fix me. At least N gave me a hug. It was just so nice. Sometimes I hate being hugged, other times I really need a hug.
I wasn't going to tell anyone about any of this but felt I had too when S caught me with bare arms. Luckily I was in the right frame of mind to move my body in such a way he couldn't see anything. It brought home to me though how easy it would be for either one of them to catch me with naked arms. That's when I felt I needed to tell them. I couldn't have them seeing it and then feeling uncomfortable.
So that's what I did. I talked to them. I spent the rest of the evening freaking out. I couldn't deal with it. Today I talked to M. She helped me calm myself down a little. I just can't believe how much this all takes out of me. Anyway I have made plans for this weekend. I couldn't deal with a bank holiday weekend on my own. It's when I'm alone thing gets worse.
It's for the best that you told them, rather than getting "caught". At least this way you were able to choose the timing, to a degree. And I'm glad one of them hugged you!
I also have a plan for the weekend! Good for us! :)
Hang in there. Stay in control. That's about all the "advice" I can give you.
Wish I could hug you. That would probably help more than anything I could say.
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