So I've crashed, but it has been a slow come down. I could see this happening, I could feel it happen and there was fuck all I could do about it. I would rather have the quick crash, which could happen almost over night. At least I couldn't see it coming, that way I would just go with it. Of course it's bad when I'm down because I can get suicidal (thoughts and actual), I can start cutting, I pull away from everyone and push people away, I don't want to get out of bed, I sleep all the time.
However, this time I am down, I have pushed people away, I have been thinking about suicide and cutting, I don't want to get out of bed but I don't sleep. I get maybe an hour or two a night. But it makes me tired for the rest of the day. So I don't do anything, which makes me worse, but I don't sleep. It's a vicious cycle. I really want to cut at the moment, and the only think that stops me is by having a drink. But I'm not meant to drink until I settle into the medication. I tried to talk to the CPN about it but she wasn't in the mood to listen, and certainly didn't ask any questions. I don't really get on with her, I miss my old CPN but I was living in a different area and I think he's retired now. He was the best thing I have ever come across when dealing with my mental health. I wish he was here now.
I know the meds are meant to be a good thing, that over time they will balance me out but right now I do wonder why I bother to take them. For example, if I take seven times longer to crash does that mean that the down time will be seven times longer and to come up takes seven times longer. If that's the case I won't cope with it. My down periods are already around 3-4 months taking 7 times longer is just horrifying. I couldn't deal with that. I rely on the hyper moods to help me through. It's during these times I create support networks and friends. Then I crash and people know what's up and keep an eye on me.
That won't happen this time, one 1 person from work has made any sort of contact with me. I haven't talk to any of my 'friends' in over 10 days and no one has noticed. No, that's a lie, 1 person has but he doesn't do well on his own and his girlfriend on the other side of the world for the next month. When he's on his own he depends on me for support. Which, as the Muppet I am, I keep giving him. This time I told him to grow a pair, learn to be on his own and leave me the fuck alone. Which he has. Other than that no one has noticed I'm not around. I know it's been Christmas and new year but no one has got in touch. Maybe I don't have the friends I think I have.
I'm also crying at every strong emotion, happy, sad, angry, confusion, frustration etc. I'm watching TV and I cry. Something wonderful happens and I cry, I watch Russell Howards Good News and I cry. It's insane and I don't like it.
I don't know. I am so confused about everything. How I feel? How I want to act? What this new me is going to be like. However, I'm still debating weather this is all worth it. Perhaps I should just give it all up and go back to the way I was. Lose my job and see if I find something else, or just give up entirely.
Decision making sucks!
the best laid plans
1 year ago
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