
I am me and me is I. What I see and what you see Will be completely different! "I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe

Monday, 24 January 2011

To cry in front of you, is the worst thing I can do

 "I could hurt someone like me,
Out of spite or jealousy.
I don't steal and I don't lie,
But I can feel and I can cry.
A fact I'll bet you never knew.
But to cry in front of you,
That's the worse thing I could do."
There Are Worse Things I Can Do: Grease

Prayer in community has be really hard for me for quite a while.  However, after months of discussion and a doctors visit (!), things are beginning to settle.  I've managed to have some nice prayer times, that have been suitable for me.   Today, during prayer, we were asked to write a letter to ourselves.  Quite a hard thing today, but I set my music up, put my headphones in and started to write.  When I write like this, I don't often know what it is I'm writing.  I stop thinking about it and allow the words just flow. 

Reading back over what I wrote was really interesting.  It's really made me thing.  I talked about the fact that right now I am at a crossroads, a terrifying crossroads.  At this junction in my life I can either choose life or go back to the hermit I was.  I either have to take life by it's hands and celebrate and enjoy it as much as I can, allow my healing journey to continue.  Or I can stop, I can go back to what I was.  The hermit, the cutter, the depressive. The problem with going back to being the depressive, is that I know what enjoying life means.  I understand what it means to have friends, a social life.  I'm not sure I could go back, and be content.  The problem is with moving forward on the healing journey is I have to face my demons.  I have to trust someone enough to allow myself to cry in front of them.

I have to take and own my emotions.  I need to be in control, rather than them controlling me all the time.  Someone once said to me that you need to be scared to be brave.  However I'm terrified, and I'm not sure I have the strength or the friends to get me through the healing journey.  The more I think about it, the more I dwell on it, the more terrified I become, paralysing terror.

I don't know what I'm going do or what way on the crossroads I'm going to go.  I'm just not sure I'm strong enough for it.  I don't know what to do, no one can tell me what to do.  I'm stuck at the crossroads and can't move. 

I'm paralysed.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Memories and Music

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again"
Memory: Cats

Music is the most powerful form of communication, in my opinion.  Music can make me cry, it can make me happy, it can echo my feelings as if I wrote it.  It's helped me through great pains in my life.  It's celebrated with me through great joys.  It's a medium like no other.  It can change my mood with a change of song. 

I've had a seven day headache which has made my mood quite something to fear.  No one could come close to me or comfort me.  I have managed to listen to some quiet music, which has been nice.  Listening to song's I've not listened for a while.  I put a music list together that's lasted 8 hours.  During those 8 hours I have cried, I have laughed, I've relived memories, I've got hyper, I've got reflective.  I doubt there is a single emotion I've not felt.  About ten minutes ago, the song Relax by Mika played.  You can imagine that with an 8 hour play list you can't remember every song you've put on there.  This song played and immediately I was back at the flat, with The Boys and especially thinking about S.  It made me smile as I remembered the fun we had, the times we shared.  At the same time I felt the pain of not seeing S, and not having him in my life.  It was an intense experience.

Just thought I'd share.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

The hardest thing in this world is to live in it

I don't want to feel anything today
(I don't want to feel anything today)
Anything at all and just be alone
(I just want to know that you want to know)
I don't want to live through another day
(I don't want to live through another day)
Meaningless to fight for the victory
I just want to dive in the heart of misery

One love, One life, Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, one fight, Locked me in the heart of misery

I will never be anything again
(I will never be anything again)
I'm tired to give, I don't want to try
(I'm afraid to live, I'm afraid to die)
I just want to fly, throw it all away
(I just want to fly, throw it all away)
Meaningless to fight for your sympathy
I just want to drown in the heart of misery

One love, One life, Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, one fight, Locked me in the heart of misery

One man forgot to breathe
One heart refused to beat
One love is incomplete

One love, one life, Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, one fight, Locked me in the heart of misery

One love, One life, Locked me in the heart of misery
One loss, One fight, Locked me in the heart of misery

Ah ah, ah ah In the heart of misery
Ah ah, ah ah In the heart of misery
Heart of Misery: The Rasmus

I know I have said this before, but I'm going to say it again.  I really miss my depression.  I miss that feeling of hopelessness, I miss that feeling of wanting to give up.  Most days I find myself wishing I was depressed because at least that way I could validate the feeling that I was useless and that I didn't want need to get out of bed.  I honestly feel that although I was dangerous when I was in a depressive state I was actually more productive.  I used to write, I used to play my instruments, I would play on my consoles against friends and I would talk to people on MSN or Yahoo. 

Now though I am shutting myself down.  I don't write as much as I used to, I struggle to write anything, as much as I want to I just can't seam to get myself into that zone, I also don't have the ideas like I used to.  I equally have stopped talking to people on the messengers and I don't talk to people in reality either.  I just sit in my room, watching TV or sleeping.

I miss crying, I miss cutting, I miss what my life was.  I honestly believe that my life was better before I had therapy.  People say I am better now, that I'm a better person now.  I'm not so sure.  I'm not convinced.  I honestly think I preferred the depressed me and all that I had.

I feel like I'm dead, I feel as though nothing matters.  I wish I had never got better.