The Trinity is one God who exists simultaneously in three persons.
Each is coequal, copowerful, and coeternal with the other.
Each person--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--is not the other.
Without either there is no God. All comprise the one God
So I have come to understand that there are three parts to me now.
There is the manic me where I have so much energy I have no idea what to do with it, so I start redecorating at 2am or cleaning my kitchen at 3am. I go out for walks, I talk at 90 miles an hour unable to stop myself, I spend too much money, I don't look after myself properly, only eat if it's something I don't have to cook (McDonalds here I come)... I just keep moving, never stopping, sleep only happening ever few night and only for a few hours. I socialise all the time, with different sets of people so no one can see what is happening. I try and be out of the house for as long as possible. I also tend to drive too fast. I can put myself in dangerous situations like getting drunk and walking home at 3am down unlit roads. I just don't care, life is just there for the grabbing to hell with everything else. I wash a little bit more than when I'm depressed but not by much. Once i've been like this for a while I start getting ratty and rude when people are not as fast as me and are slow and annoying
There is depressed me where everything makes me anxious, where I don't like to get out of bed, where I sleep all the time. I don't eat, I don't interact with people, I don't do much of anything. Just lay in bed. I don't wash, I don't change my clothes, I only munch on little things. Anything that means I don't have to get out of bed. I hate the phone going, I hate being on the internet, I will avoid life as much as I can and if people do notice and start calling/texting me I just get really frustrated and hid even further into my bed.
Then there is 'normal' me. This is the me I'm not sure about. This is the me I don't think I have ever got to know. I've always been either manic or depressed, never anything in between. Now there is this third person in my life and I'm not sure what to do with her. When I am her life is copable. Nothing is overwhelming, I can deal with stress and pressure as if they are nothing. I go out and be with people without upsetting them or me. I don't want to hurt myself, in fact I don't know why i would want to hurt myself when I am this person. This person turns up for a little while before moving into one of the other two.
So I am now trying to balance my life with these three people. I know I have to keep taking my meds so that these three people can try and coexist in a way that does not disrupt my life as the other two have. I'm just not sure this is what I want. This 'normal' me is a stranger to me and I don't know if it's someone I want to let into my life. I don't trust people normally so how the hell do I trust this one. I know it's me, but it's not me. All three of these people are me whilst at the same time not being me. It's so confusing.
I haven't been taking my meds either. I just don't see the point. I'm not convinced I'm any better off now than I was before. At least before I had a job (not always easy but I was getting there with it), I had a Boyfriend, I had money, I had a life... now I'm just a rollercoaster that is going extremely fast and just about staying on it's track, just one wrong move and it's all over. I wish I could go back to the beginning of October and do it all over again. Make different moves and most of all not confide in the person I thought was a friend who then screwed me over.
I should mention that it doesn't really bother me that they told management that I had mental health issues and what I had been doing... what bothers me is the fact that the person made it sound like I had attempted suicide many times and that I was cutting myself constantly, and they started telling other people around college. Making it all sound ALOT worse than it actually was/is. I can never forgive her that. I can forgive her for trying to get me help.