A few weeks back I started to write a peice of fiction. At the moment I've called it the escape. I'm still working on it as this peice wanted to be handwritten, I've got to type it up and add more to it. But here is a small extract.
Scene setting: Suzi's a bitch. Mandy feels picked on
I've had it now. I pick up one of the mugs I've just placed on the table nad throw it at her. It only just misses. She drops her phone out of shock. It breaks. I smirk.
"Calm down Mandy. Let's talk about his" There is a hint of fear in her voice. I'veoften been told that when I'm angry, I'm the scariest thing on the planet, I'm like a wild animal. Uncontrolable.
"Calm Suzi, I'm perfectly calm." I say in a quiet, steady voice. I start walking towards her, she matches my steps as she moves back. Eventually she his the wall. We stand like that not moving for a while. No other movements or sounds can be heard. Finally I turn my back.
"If you've quiet finnished" Suzi exclaims "Get back to work" I stop walking, my back still facing her. I look ahead of me, there is quite a crownd including Phil, Sean and worst of all Pete, standing out as always with his balck curly hair. I stand there staring at him, making eye contact. he's shaking his head, arms folded.
"She's not worth it Mandy. Are you really going to jepidise everything you've accomplished, because of her." I just stand there. Thinking. Trying to calm down. I take more deep breaths. IT's not working. I feel the anger and the hurt bubble up inside me. I run my fingres through my hair. I rub my face. Breathing slowly and deeply. Pete takes a step forward. I try to calm down. Pete smiles.
"That's my girls" Slowly I walk towards him.
"You're such a brat" I hear from behing me. I spin around on the spot.
"Suzi, shut the fuck up!" Pete says slowly and sternly. Fear immediatly over rkaes Suzi's entire body. "Mandy look at me"
"Yes, Mandy look at Pete" I flip out, I run towards Mandy, pinning her up against the wall, my arm under her neck.
"Everyone back to their rooms NOW" Boomed Pete
"Do you know what Suzi, you're the brat. I'd feel sorry for your new co-workers but I can't. Do you know why?" Suzi shock her head "Because we get rid of you. You have no idea what this job entails. I could do a better job using just my left pinky nail!" Suzi opens her mouth to retaliate
"Don't Suzi" Pete warns. She closes her mouth. I turn around. Pete's close. There is a look of disappointment in his eyse. I puch Suzi to the ground.
"Get lost bitch" I scream. She squels and runs off like the dog that she is. I start to laugh hysterically, Pete moves towards me, by the time he gets to me, I'm crouching on the floor in tears.
"What have I done?" I sob
"You've put the fear of god into someone who deserced it." I start to calm down. I look in to his eyes. They say it all. I'm screwed.
"I have to stay don't I?" he nodds.
"Come on let's go." We walk towards my room, through the court yard,
"She's a psyco, she could have killed me." Suzi's voice boomed out of an open window. I clench my ffish. Pete can see me tense up. he takes my hands. He see's the state of my knuckles.
"Mandy when did this happen" Something in me snaos. I push him away and start to run. Destroying everything in sght. If it could be thrown, I threw it at hims, screaming as I go.
"She did this, I was fine unti lher. Now she's screwed me over, I'm the one being punished. Today was my day. I've worked so hard." I stop as I come to the front dooes. Iv'e not been out of those dooes for Five years. If I go out of those soors, I've really shot myself in the foot. I turn to face Pete. He had a cut on his arm and above his eye.
"Oh God Pete, I'm so sorry."
"I know you are. You can't help it. Let's go back to your room and talk abotu it. Perhaps your day will be next weeks."
"What about Suzi?"
"She won't be here by the end of the day"
"But... But... these feelings..." I struggle for breath. I struggle to see. SHe'll lose her job. She maybe a bitch but she still has a family to support. I rub my forehead, deperstly trying to think. I know I should go with pete, but I need to run.
"I'm sorry Pete."
"No Mandy don't"
I turn and run out the door.
Let me know what you think? If you like this try others I've written here.
the best laid plans
1 year ago
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